Arrival Information Berlin

How to do the registration for a residence permit on humanitarian grounds in Berlin:

People from Ukraine can now register for the residence permit on humanitarian grounds. This works as following:

Book an appointment online: -> click on “Termin buchen“.

  1. You can use the Google Translate browser extension to support navigating the process.
  2. The appointment will be at the arrival center (Oranienburgerstr. 185, Reinickendorf)
  3. You will need a negative coronatest (free at any coronatest centre) from the same day as the appointment, and ID documents from Ukraine (passport, ID card, visum for non-Ukrainians, etc.)
  4. During the appointment, you will be assigned to a state (“Bundesland”) in Germany. If this state is Berlin, you will be registered on site (includes taking fingerprints, giving information on your eduction, marriage documents etc.). If you are registered to another state, you will get a free travel ticket, and will be registered there.
  5. If you have relatives in Berlin (either here since longer, or already having the permit on humanitarian grounds), you can likely stay in Berlin (see -> “Pflichten von Kriegsgeflüchteten”)

For families, one appointment is for the entire family

Thanks to the author of this who was someone on a Telegram feed.